Friday, March 13, 2009

This is me

I feel like I have been especially guarded in this blog so far. So I have decided to do the silly '15 things about me' list.


1. I am 23

2. I grew up in Tasmania - I am not necessarily passionate about being an Australian. I am deeply passionate about being a Tasmanian.

3. I have been living in Melbourne for a year. I have brief feelings of affection for Melbourne. But really, I am just existing here. I do like the bats though.

4. I played the recorder for about 11 years. It is much more than just a primary school play thing.

5. I studied cello for about 12 years. I haven't played the cello since I graduated from the con.

6. For 4 years I was taught by the most incredible, generous, tough and inspiring cellist. He made me a better person.

7. My life has been defined by music and I miss being a musician but I can't bring myself to pick up the cello. Though apparently I can talk about it just fine!

8.I have an arts/music degree. It was a bitch. I completed it out of pride and am very proud of that little certificate.

9. I have been in a relationship for over 4 years. I am a very lucky girl.

10. I really really like beer. Gin is a close second.

11. I feel much better in the cold. Winter makes me happy.

12. I really like trash. Trashy movies. Trashy books. Trashy t.v.

13. I have a bit of a problem with shoes. I love shoes. Expensive shoes. Especially red ones.

14. I love having short hair. And to the man who said "I think big girls shouldn't have short hair (i.e me) fuck you.

15. I love knitting. I like to knit baby clothes. Sadly I am incapable of knitting scarves. I am going to have babies dressed in lovely hand knitted clothes. And I will have a cold neck.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Excitement, ideas and delicious fantasies have burst into our little apartment.

Plans are drawn up with the aid of a nerdy computer program. Late night sketches and deep conversations about life accompany us to bed.

It is invigorating to have a plan, no matter how unattainable it may be.

This little gift makes me feel as if I have won a prize.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I have had a good weekend. A great weekend even!

I spent time with friends. I saw some art. I watched a silly movie and laughed my arse off. I exercised. I cleaned the house and rediscovered my bedroom floor. The tiles in bathroom are white. Who knew?!

I just discovered that the fan in my bathroom blends perfectly in pitch with the Goldfrapp song Some People.

I forget how centered I feel when I achieve things. I am going to try and remember this for next weekend.